So we did our first local vendor fair in Temecula this past weekend. We were super un-prepared, but managed to throw it all together the night before the event. Luckily we had enough great stuff to show off and the day was a huge success!!!
When we got there we found our specified spot...Unfortunately it was the worst location imaginable! Our booth was behind the row of vendors that lined the sidewalk. So, we had vendors between us and the visitors and to the side of us was a big bolder and a nice big hedge. If we were going to get any passer-bys...It would be a miracle! We stayed positive though. At least this would be a learning experience on how these things work...Right!?! We figured out pretty quickly that we would need to be super creative if this was going to be worth our time at all, especially where we were situated!
Anyway, we set up our booth...Not too shabby for being so last minute, Right! After about a 1/2 hour or so I began walking around trying to drum up some excitement for the hidden Adore Photography booth in the back row...all by our lonesome :( While wondering, I actually ran into the vendor that got stuck in that very spot the past year. She told me that we needed to see if there were any other open locations, because this one would surely be bad news! She hadn't had one visitor come by last year and she had all kinds of frilly-frilly, brightly colored tu-tus to draw people's attention. I took her advice and found us a new location. The people running the event were happy to allow us to move and even helped us to get our tent, tables and all of our goodies moved over. Fantastic People we have in Temecula!!! I love our town!!! Anyhow, we had to bustle and get things rearranged since the event was already in full swing, but we did so fairly quickly. Our new booth neighbors were all fantastic and we made friends that we will surely keep for years to come!
So, one of our promotions that we started at this event, was a Bubble Gum Photo Contest. Our idea was to get new visitors to our website so they can see what we do and hopefully spread the word so we can do more of what we love so much!
We asked people to chew gum and blow bubbles...if they could or do something else with it if they couldn't. We took their picture and posted them to our website where they can send friends and family to vote. The person with the most votes wins a Free 1 hour photo session with us. I can hardly wait to see who it might be! Anyone can vote, the only real rule is that there is only one vote allowed per person. Easy and totally FUN!!!
We had miniature bubbles, huge bubbles and even bubbles inside of other bubbles. We had kids trying to learn how to make bubbles and getting all sticky that ended up finding out that stretching gum way out was even more delightful then bubble making in the first place. One person even tried so hard to blow a quick big bubble, that the gum went hurling out of her mouth onto the ground in front of us...We laughed a lot! What a fun day!!! I have no idea what we can come up with for the next promotion because this was a blast and will be hard to top!
Anyway, if you haven't already, stop by our site and place your vote! Just go to the Client Proofs page, click on the Bubble Gum Contest gallery then type the name of the person that you want to vote for and "Vote" in the comments section.
Thanks for visiting!